This cheery and satirical short film features a group of men or astronomers who prepared for a voyage to the moon. In the film, the building of a vessel was shown. And then afterwards, the vessel was shot to the moon. Upon their arrival, they shared comic adventures with the moon inhabitants but they were able to escape and return to earth.
In 1902 where history of film was considered as a recently developed technology, George Melies was able to successfully embrace art, satire, and entertainment with the use of special effects for the first time. It was unquestionably a favorable outcome (I have read that Melies was also a magician).
The camera tricks and the intricately painted sets and detailed costumes combined pioneered all the significant films throughout history. It has introduced a number of techniques which we use in modern-day filmmaking. These techniques shed light to what was thought to be impossible before. If I were to see Voyage dans la Lune as a person from the early 1900, I would be left open-mouthed until the end of the film. They were able to express a strong plot even without dialogues.
Georges Melies is an exceptional filmmaker. His whimsical short film, Voyage dans la Lune, expresses such an imaginative idea on how one visualizes appearance of what is outside this planet. For me, this film has an unparalleled charm than any modern CGI-loaded films.