The Fly is a 1958 American science-fiction horror film directed by Kate Neumann. It dwells on the morality issues of science and its inventions.
It has a simple yet catchy plot. Yet, scenes appeared to a bit boring and strange. Overall, personally, it was not that good in the entertainment criterion. It was okay, just okay. However, the plot was quite interesting. I think it was a book-type of story rather than a movie story.
Looking at its content, it was obvious that there was an attempt to question the morality of science and technology. The danger and other adverse effects that science can bring about were stressed in the movie. During the 1950s, bombs and rockets were some of the focus of the scientific world.This could somehow and somewhat cause society to think of science as something to be risky and unethical rather than helpful and constructive like what was shown in the movie.
On a lighter note, it also showed how science progressed through out the years and how more people now rely on the benefits of it. It made me realize that science did not start as a universally accepted and trusted means of development and innovation. Although it brought about fundamental improvements to the world, other factors such as beliefs and culture affect someones perception on science.
- 2009-50781
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