Friday, March 7, 2014

Mind Movers Demonstration
Reaction on Mind Museum Lecture

When I heard the term “Mind Movers” for the first time, I thought of illusionists because the term sounded like people who will make your mind agree with what they do. But then, when the people from the Mind Museum explained what they do, their job title “Mind Movers” makes sense. As mind movers, one of their job is to become a science communicator. In this way, they teach scientific concepts in fun and exciting way. They present the concepts through creative demonstrations. And these demonstrations could be replicate since the materials used are readily available at households.

One of the demonstration they did was the attempt to burn a 500-peso bill. First, they dip the 500-peso bill in alcohol and lit it up with fire. But it did not burn due to the fact that the alcohol has part water making the paper bill resistant to fire. Another demonstration they presented was about air pressure wherein they used huge water container filled with little amount of alcohol. They dropped a lit match inside and covered it. The container imploded. Aside from the demonstrations, they also showed pictures which gives optical illusion using colors.

The mind movers also showed us that we could illustrate scientific concepts even without materials at hand because we could also use our bodies. And as an example, they made us dance to show the different states of matter. The mind movers proved to us that science is not just about by the book facts but also about fun explorations. We could also see that science is not only learned in classrooms but also on our innovative surroundings.

Princess Rosales

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