Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mind Museum Reaction Paper

Royce Tee 2013-71153

Mind Museum Reaction Paper

Learning about science has never been so much fun!

The people from the mind museum claimed to be mind movers - and I was able to understand exactly what that meant in their session. From using water tanks to teach implosion to dancing to different states of matter, they have shown that learning about science can be simple, but fun as well.

This is what they aimed to do when they constructed the Mind Museum. It’s not separated according to subject or field, but according to scale. And it’s told as a story - one that really allows one to understand it instead of just memorizing facts and numbers. 

It’s really amazing, that they have been able to pique our interest, college students, on details such as the planets and on implosion using just very simple household materials. Their method is both cheap, as well as fun. Compare this to the usual way we would learn about these things, which would be seeing the distances of the planets on a table, or simply get a definition of what implosion is, what causes it, etc. and I could see how much more effective this way to teaching is.

I hope that I’ll be able to use the ticket I bought to learn more at the Mind Museum, not just about science, but also more creative and fun ways science could be taught. This could help a lot of people love learning and exploring science a lot more.

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